The layover

Where I am in the world at this moment (Amsterdam airport) it is Tuesday morning, July 23, just after 9 a.m. I left Boston at 7 p.m. last night and made the flight here without a single issue.

My plan, since I had been up since 2:30 a.m. Monday morning to do the baking shift, was to fall asleep on the plane and sleep for much of the flight. The first hour I listened to a podcast and ate the dinner that the flight crew provided and then fell asleep for a little bit. My old age need to go to the bathroom woke me up a few hours later and it was a struggle to get back to sleep as my allergies seemed to take over.

That being said, I traditionally run on very little sleep, so I am not terribly worried about that at the moment. 

I got off the plane in Amsterdam and was able to work my way through the passport line (the first stamp on my new passport) and found my way to my connecting gate. A little food and a water later and I took a few minutes at the gate to write up a little update for the folks back home.

As I write this, I know my YumYum Shop coworkers are getting ready to go to the bakery for the early morning shift. Although it would be my day off anyway, I still know the feeling of heading to the bakery without a ton of sleep. 

The layover here is about three hours and then it's a quick hour and a half flight from here to Paris, arriving a little after noon in the French capital (after 6 a.m. back home). I imagine there will be a process in the airport once I get there (though not nearly as thorough and intense as the COVID-protocol-laced Tokyo and Beijing processes).

My friend Bob Tuttle, who has family in the Netherlands, told me that the Amsterdam airport was huge. He wasn't wrong. It is a massive place, but I've found my way around easily enough so far. This may very well be the only time in my life I find myself here, but at least I know I can find my way around if necessary.

Next update should come from somewhere in Paris.

The Amsterdam airport is a pretty big place, but I've found my way where I need to go so far.


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