Observations from Paris

It's been almost a full week that I've been in Paris and I have a few observations.

Driving in Paris is crazier than driving in Boston. The bus drivers here are aggressive and are not afraid to stick their buses in the smallest hole in traffic. They move right along no matter where they're going and it's rather impressive how they get through some of the heavier traffic. The Japan bus drivers three years ago weren't quite as aggressive in that rush hour traffic and it is definitely a plus. And that's not even counting what they do in that circle around the Arc de Triomphe. That's absolutely insane.

People in Paris smoke. A lot. And it's not just in separate smoking areas. It's in restaurants and other public areas. Now, I grew up with a father who smoked, so it is not something that I am not used to, though my father passed away more than 25 years ago. I also have friends who smoke and I am not really bothered by it. However, I just didn't realize how much it is managed in America. Here it is much more out in public and it just took me by surprise.

I have never seen more white pants in my entire life. It seems that just about every other person is wearing white pants. I am not really sure why I noticed this, but it caught my eye a couple of times and I just thought it was a bit unusual. Maybe I don't notice it in my real life, but here at the Olympics it's something that I noticed.

The Eiffel Tower venue has to be the most iconic place I have ever covered an event. The Budokan in Tokyo was cool, as was the Big Air site in Beijing, but there is nothing that can compare to sitting in the stands watching beach volleyball under the watch of the Eiffel Tower. And the atmosphere was great too, with the crowds literally rocking the temporary stadium seating. I am pretty sure I will never forget the experience of being there as the tower lit up as the sun went down.

Nowhere in my life have I seen more incredibly attractive female police officers. That may simply because of the sheer volume of police I have seen, but Paris and France in general seems to have very attractive women controlling traffic and moving people along.

A week in, just a few observations from the Paris Olympics.

Without a question, the most iconic venue I've ever been to.


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