Getting past the frustration

Today was one of those frustrating days at the Olympics. It wasn't a bad day, just things didn't go the way I had planned or was hoping for them to go and that's always frustrating.

I caught the 7 a.m. bus from the Main Media Center toward Yanqing with hopes of catching the alpine team event, as Mikaela Shiffrin would be skiing one more time and I thought it would be nice to see her race again and also see a bunch of the other skiers I hadn't had the chance to ski.

Last night the announcement had gone out on the myInfo web site that journalists have access to for results and announcements, that the start of the race, originally slated for 11 a.m., was going to be moved up an hour to 10 a.m. Leaving at 7 a.m. left me plenty of time to take the two buses needed plus the three tram rides to the technical finish area.

The buses were on time and I hopped on the first tram that brings us from the base area to the speed finish area. However, once we got there, we couldn't get on the second tram, as it was not running. So, I had to cram onto a bus and make the trek up the mountain further. The driver didn't seem to have a great idea where he was supposed to go, but eventually, after lots of yelling from a passenger who spoke Chinese, we got to the technical finish area. By that time, the race had already been postponed by an hour back to the original start time.

I set up in the press workroom and listened as the wind howled around us outside. I got some stories written on the Division IV girls' alpine championships back in New Hampshire while the announcement came over the speaker that the race would be delayed again, until at least noon. Before noon there was another announcement, telling everyone that the event was postponed, with a makeup to be determined. 

By this time, the middle tram of the three we needed to get up and down, was running, so I took the three trams down to the base area and had a nice talk with a couple of people who work on the technology side of the Olympics, including setting up the myInfo site that we use. From the base, I took another bus down to the parking lot where I waited for yet another bus to get me back to the media center. A total of more than four hours on buses and nothing to show for it.

By the time I got back to the media center, it was announced that the team alpine race was rescheduled until Sunday morning at 9 a.m. My immediate thought was I was going to head up. However, after looking at the bus schedule, it became apparent that it was not happening.

So, I am sitting at the bronze medal women's curling match, a match I have no real interest in, but I wanted to do something, so here I am. It looks like tomorrow will be a trip to the men's hockey gold medal game and the closing ceremonies. Monday is looking like a lot of finishing writing and preparing for the trip home, which comes early on Tuesday.

Frustrating days happen sometimes. You just have to move on.

The best part of the day was getting to ride the tram again at the alpine venue.


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