A much better start

Yesterday, the first day in Beijing, provided many challenges and frustrations, as mentioned in yesterday's blog post. But, there should also be some attention on some of the good things that have happened both yesterday and so far this morning.

First and foremost, I got on the shuttle bus after clearing my COVID testing yesterday and found out that the bus to the media center doesn't make another stop along the way and the total time is just 15 minutes each way. After the trips from the hotel to the media center in Tokyo that took up to an hour on some days, this was a welcome development. With the closed loop in place, the bus literally comes right to the hotel door and drops us off right in front of the media center. And it works out well on days like today, when I leave my hotel and forget things and have to go back.

While the hotel internet leaves a lot to be desired and the wireless in the media center is not great, the breakfast at the hotel was absolutely more than I expected. The options were incredible, including just about everything you could normally expect at breakfast, such as eggs, toast, sausage, "beef bacon," (their words not mine) and this morning there was French toast as well. They also had some different options, including French fries and vegetables, probably because many people work the night shift. Additionally, there is plenty of local cuisine that may not be up my alley, though the fried rice was pretty good.

Another plus is the fact that I do indeed have my ticket to the Opening Ceremonies, which take place tonight at the Bird's Nest. This will be the first opening ceremony I have been to in four Olympic experiences. We have been told to dress warmly, since it is expected to be a bit chilly. 

This morning marked my first time ever seeing figure skating in the Olympics. The first portion of the team competition was this morning, so prior to the Opening Ceremonies I made my way to the Capital Indoor Stadium to watch some of the competition. Much like in Tokyo this summer, there were not a lot of fans in the stands, though there were more than there were this summer. 

While yesterday was filled with frustrations, today has started off better, so here's hoping things continue on the right track.

The first event of the Olympics in 2022 for me was at Capital Indoor Stadium for figure skating.


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