Good things happening back home

It's the final day of the Beijing Winter Olympics and I am sitting in the Main Media Center getting a bunch of writing done and preparing to go to the Closing Ceremonies in a few hours. I still have one more story to get done before then.

While it's been a busy week here in China, it has also been a busy week at home and there are a lot of things to celebrate for the teams I cover.

The alpine skiing championship week is one of my favorite weeks of the year since I usually just spend the week out covering meets here and there. While that has gotten tougher over the last few years with the addition of so many schools to my plate and the meets mostly being held on the same day, it's still a lot of fun and unfortunately, when I go to the Olympics, it always falls during the time I'm away.

This year, I missed plenty of success, as the Plymouth girls won the Division III alpine championship and the Bobcat boys came in second place. The Kennett girls won the Division II championship and the Kennett ski jumpers finished as the state (and national) runners-up. The Profile boys and girls both won the Division IV championships. To close out the week, the Plymouth wrestling team won the Division III title and the Winnisquam wrestlers came in second, their first team trophy for the wrestling program ever. There were also plenty of individual championships won at those meets as well.

Thankfully, I have a lot of great coaches and parents who have provided me with the necessary information along with photos to help cover the events in our local newspapers. North Conway photographer Joe Viger shared some photos of the Division II championships at Cranmore, Plymouth coach Dan Leblanc shared some photos of his team's success, both his own and some from his parents, Belmont coach Kevin Charleston shared a photo of his top racer in action, Profile athletic director Jack Bartlett shared photos of his alpine teams celebrating their championships and Winnisquam AD John Larsen and coach Tom Osmer shared photos of the wrestling team's exciting performance. 

And so many coaches shared their results as the weeks went along while I was away, helping me to stay up to date and also keep readers up to date.

Covering the Olympics is great, but I also miss a lot of good stuff back home. Soon enough it will be back to the regular grind. But for now, I'll enjoy my time here while it lasts.

Beijing's Olympic Tower will be the background for another day or so, then it's time to head home.


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