The journey begins

While I am saying the journey begins, it really began a few years ago, but today, the physical journey begins, as I got my packing done, hopped in my car and headed south to Logan Airport. 

Unlike my Tokyo trip earlier this year, instead of hoping that the economy parking was open, I booked a spot ahead of time at the Hampton Inn just north of the airport. It seemed like the best option, as the shuttle runs directly from the hotel to the airport and I didn't need to go all the way in to Logan.

I parked my car, got the necessary tag for my dashboard, handed over my keys and hopped on the shuttle to the airport. I presented my COVID test, my vaccination card and my passport at the Air France desk, checked my baggage and got my boarding pass and headed toward security. The security process was about as easy as I've ever had, there was no line and I didn't have to do anything special, so here I sit at the tables at Terminal E waiting on my flight, which is slated to take off at approximately 5:20 p.m.

Obviously this is just the first part of the journey and there is a long way to go, but this part went smoothly. The flight will arrive in Paris tomorrow morning and then I will have more than a day before the flight from Paris to Beijing takes off. 

I am pretty sure I packed everything I need, though I almost walked out of the apartment without my cell phone and without my wallet. My phone was on the charger in my bedroom and the wallet was in my usual backpack that I use for everyday use. I had taken everything else I needed out of it, but I hadn't taken my wallet. Luckily I remembered and grabbed it before leaving.

The airport is pretty empty, which is a good thing and I am hopeful that the flight is not too full, which would limit my contact with people, which is the overall hope so I can get through the arrival testing with no problems.

We're off and running. The next update will hopefully come from Paris.

In Terminal E at Logan Airport waiting on the flight to France later this afternoon.


  1. Yeah! So glad your flights have been worked out and you are on the way!

  2. Well I'm not on my way yet... Don't want to get ahead of myself too much. But yeah, it's good to be closer.


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