The traffic Olympics

After a few hours out of my hotel room, I have determined that these Olympics are going to be the Olympics of traffic.

I went from my hotel to the Media Transport Mall, where buses pick up and drop off to all venues, very early this morning. While it wasn’t a perfect ride, it went relatively smoothly. From there, I went to Odaiba Marine Park for the men’s triathlon. And it was also still really early in the morning, so the ride wasn’t that bad.

However, leaving the triathlon and heading back to the Media Transport Mall took much longer than our transportation app said it should and while I was able to immediately catch a bus to go to the venue I hoped to go to next, we have been sitting on that bus now for 25 minutes and we are still within sight of the MTM (or at least the entrance to the MTM). We are just sitting in traffic, moving a few hundred feet at a time and getting nowhere.

When I was planning, I took into account the times that were anticipated getting from venue to venue, but I have a feeling I am going to need to add time on to all of those, particularly going anywhere during the day. 

I am pretty sure, without getting out an official calculator and adding it up, that I have spent more time sitting in traffic today than I did the entire two weeks that I was in PyeongChang. I imagine this is what 2028 is going to look like when the Olympics come to Los Angeles.

The good news is, the bus has wifi, so I can write this and post it and kill a few minutes, but in the time it has taken me to write it, we have not moved. 

So far today, there's been a lot of this ... sitting in traffic.


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