Writing, watching and looking ahead

 During the busy high school season, Sundays are the day when I do my most writing. I try to keep up with things during the week, but usually by Sunday I have a number of stories to write and my deadlines start on Monday, so the stories have to be finished.

Today, I had two basketball stories, two hockey stories and about half a dozen alpine skiing stories. Plus, I had to edit a few stories from other writers, but all told, I spent about eight hours working on stories on my couch. While I was working, I had the television on watching a bunch of broadcasts that I had recorded during the week, including snowboarding, biathlon, luge and alpine skiing World Cup races from all around Europe. As I've mentioned before, I spend a lot of time watching these competitions over the last few months and I really enjoy them. Unfortunately, NBC Sports Network is going off the air by the end of the year, which means the broadcasts of the winter sports will probably fall to the wayside. That is pretty disappointing for me, but that's the way it goes. And for whatever reason, the Olympic Channel isn't included in my DirecTV package.

As I was watching (and writing), the announcers were talking about the competition and getting ready for the Beijing Olympics, which will be coming around in just more than a year from now. And later this week will mark three years since I left for PyeongChang and seven years since I left for Sochi. It certainly doesn't seem like that long ago. Then again, it doesn't feel like the Winter Olympics will be here in just a year.

And of course, all the discussion of Olympics got me thinking about my plans in the coming year-plus. Obviously, Tokyo is technically still in the cards for this summer and I've submitted my credential application for the Beijing Games in 2022. I've always been a bigger fan of the Winter Olympics than the Summer Olympics, so I've already developed a little excitement for the next Winter Olympics.

That being said, I am still hoping that this chance to attend the Summer Olympics this July comes to fruition. The chance to experience a Summer Olympics is something I am really looking forward to. Obviously there is plenty of apprehension and questions, but those are things to be addressed another day.

This past week, I received an e-mail from the media office at Tokyo 2020, telling us that they will be holding an online meeting next Wednesday morning to share with the media who have credentials the start to their plan for handling media in Tokyo this summer. According to the e-mail, "This session will provide an introduction to the plans that are described in the Playbook for Press for a safe and successful Games." I am intrigued about what they have to say and I hope I will get a better sense as to what the plan is for this summer.

The IOC has made a commitment to hold the Olympics this summer. If all goes as planned, this is just one of the venues I will be seeing.


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