The day

Today is the day.
Or more specifically, today was supposed to be the day.
July 22, 2020 was the day I was set to board a plane at Logan Airport bound for Seoul, South Korea and then on to Tokyo to cover my first Summer Olympics.
Of course, those plans all went out the window, along with just about everything else in the world, back in March when the International Olympic Committee announced that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics would be postponed for a year and will take place in July and August of 2021.
Obviously, I've written many times over the past few months about the impact of the postponement of the Olympics. A few days after the announcement, I was temporarily laid off from my job at Salmon Press, meaning the possibility of covering the Olympics next year was also in doubt.
As we head toward August, the possibility of getting back to work is down the road a bit and with it, comes the possibility of still getting the chance to go to Tokyo and if all goes as planned, one year from now, I will be in Tokyo for the start of the Olympics, which kick off on July 23.
Instead of finding myself on a plane to Seoul, this morning I was up before dawn and off to cook the donuts at the Yum Yum Shop in Wolfeboro, which has been my saving grace the last few months, allowing me to stay busy and still pay the bills
Here's hoping that next year at this time, you'll be getting blog posts live from Tokyo instead of live from my apartment.


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