Talking sports

Over the last few weeks, living without sports has been an interesting experience. Networks have done a good job of bringing back old sporting events to our televisions and I spent a lot of time over the last two weeks watching old Olympic events from the Summer Games in Beijing in 2008, London in 2012 and Rio in 2016 along with a few highlights from Games even further back, including Sydney in 2000, Athens in 2004, Atlanta in 1996 and even the gold medal game for the original Dream Team in Barcelona in 1992.
That was a lot of fun, and usually, in a normal world, I'd be writing about sports all the time, covering the local high school teams and other events going on throughout the community. Of course, I'd probably also be complaining about all this rain that would certainly be wreaking havoc on our spring schedule.
But, with no high school sports or community activities and with no longer being employed, I have had a lack of sports interaction (or really, interaction in general). So, I was excited to get to talk some sports on Wednesday when Wolfeboro Community Television hosts Mike Danais and Charlie Hossack invited me on their show, Mike and the Hoss, to discuss sports in general for a little while.
Mike and Charlie are local coaches, teachers and parents who I have had the pleasure of knowing for a number of years as I've covered their kids playing sports through the seasons. I was on their show a while back when it was still okay to be in a studio in the high school with other people less than six feet away, but this time it was a little different.
The show, as most shows are these days, was shot through the Internet, with each of us in our respective homes. I logged in to Google Meet and spent close to 45 minutes talking over things with Mike and Charlie. We talked about baseball, the NFL Draft and the Olympics along with a little update on what I'm doing in this time of no sports.
It was nice to be able to just talk about sports and while there were no real live sports going on, the fact that the NFL Draft had just happened, that was a good discussion point. Additionally, I am always willing to talk about the Olympics and have plenty of background information on the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics. Charlie also had us talk some baseball, ranking players at different positions around the diamond. Since baseball is my favorite sport, this was also a lot of fun.
Truth be told, this whole quarantine, unemployed thing has really been getting to me. If you had asked me five months ago whether I'd be walking 10+ miles a day just to get out of the apartment, I would have told you that you were crazy. But that is the case. Although I love watching television, sitting in my apartment for eight hours at a time is just too much.
Yes, it has been a month and it is time to find a job (even if it's just on a temporary basis). I've probably been procrastinating a little bit on that front because I'm hopeful that I can have my real job back soon, but I am not terribly optimistic on that and there are bills that have to be paid.
But, for a while on Wednesday, it was nice to talk sports with some familiar faces.


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