So many questions

The late great Kenny Rogers once sang, "the boredom overtook us, and he began to speak."
The boredom is real in this time of quarantines, self-isolation and pandemics. Add to all of that, the fact that I am not working, and things can get really boring, really quickly, as I've mentioned more than once.
This morning, sitting on my couch listening to the radio as is my (new) normal routine following my morning walk, I finished checking e-mail, reading the Union Leader and the sports section of the Boston Globe (online), I found myself looking for something to keep me occupied for a little while.
I listen to the local radio show until 10 a.m. and then I listen to a satellite radio show from 10 a.m. to noon, so I don't have to turn on the television before noon. But while I'm listening, I like to have something to do. Back in the "olden days," I would listen to these shows in my office, but since that is no longer an option, I sat on my computer looking for something to read.
A couple of the sites I check on a regular basis for new news are the Olympic web sites. One of the sites is the media portal for the Tokyo Games, which as everyone knows, were postponed from this summer until next summer. This site gives Tokyo-credentialed media members information about the Games, including accommodation guides, transportation guides and schedules. I checked in there this morning but there was no new information posted on the site.
The other Olympic web site I use is the officially Olympic site, which has public information about all the Olympic Games over the years, including press releases, photos and other information. I will usually check in every few days or so to see if there's new information from the IOC and while there was nothing new there today, I started bouncing around to future Olympic cities on the web site. While there was no new information on Beijing (2022), Paris (2024), Milan-Cortina (2026) and Los Angeles (2028), I was looking around and found a "documents" link that provided me with all sorts of information about the bids presented and the IOC's responses.
I started with Milan-Cortina (Stockholm-Are was the other finalist city included in the presentation) and started reading about the venues, the plans for the media and transportation and more. From there, I moved on to Beijing, the site of the next Winter Olympics and read much of the same information about that city and Almaty, the other finalist city from that bidding process. After that it was on to Paris, where I read about both the French capital and Los Angeles, who submitted their bids at the same time.
All of this Olympic reading has got me really excited to cover the Olympic experience again. I've been thinking about the possibilities of traveling to different countries and what it would be like to cover events in gorgeous places like Milan, Cortina and Paris.
But, then I got to thinking about the entire situation I am in now, sitting in my apartment instead of putting the final touches on this week's newspapers. Where will I be in another few months? Or next year when the Tokyo Olympics come along? Will I have my job back? Will I have any kind of job in the media? Will I even be able to cover the Olympics? Will the Olympics even be able to happen next summer?
So many questions. So few answers. Maybe it was a bad idea to go down the Olympic rabbit hole this morning. Maybe. But I guess in these ridiculous times, it's good to think positive. At least for a few hours while sitting on the couch dealing with the sheer boredom.


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