Things I didn't miss....

One of my blog posts while in Sochi was about things I missed about home. So now that I’ve been home for a few days, maybe it’s time to write about some of the things I certainly didn’t miss about being home.
I certainly didn’t miss putting gas in my car and truck. This afternoon I had to put more than $60 worth of gas in my truck after just two and a half days of being back in the States. That is certainly not much fun. I am happy to be driving again, but it would be great if gas was a little cheaper. Though I know I’m not the only one with that problem.
I definitely didn’t miss paying bills. I went to the post office in Ossipee on Tuesday afternoon to pick up my mail from the two-plus weeks that I was away. Besides the magazines, the main thing piling up in the mailbox were the bills. American Express, Visa, Master Card, PSNH and insurance bills. Way too many bills to pay and it took me a few hours of time on Wednesday to get all caught up on those.
I certainly didn’t miss doing grocery shopping. I purposely let the food in my apartment run down before I left so that I wouldn’t be letting anything go bad while I was away. Of course, that meant that when I got back there was not much food left in my refrigerator and cupboards. I usually try to go shopping every couple of weeks so that I can keep the bill down, but by the time I got around to shopping upon my return, it had been more than a month, so it was bound to be an expensive trip to restock the apartment.
I didn’t miss my cell phone. For more than two weeks I didn’t even need to think about my phone and where it was and if I had forgotten it somewhere. It sat on the desk in my hotel and didn’t move. It was great to not have to even think about it. Though in its place was my passport, something they advised not to go anywhere without in Russia.
But overall, I guess it’s good to be home. It’s much easier to get some Mountain Dew.


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