Just can't hide those tired eyes

I have found myself consistently tired pretty much the whole time I’ve been in Russia. I have taken a few mornings to sleep in, but for the most part, the alarm clock goes off at 5 a.m. and I hit the shower and head off to the media center to get started.
This is really no different than my normal routine when I’m at home. At home, the alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m., but for some reason, I feel much more tired here than I do when I’m home.
Then again, the reason is probably due to the fact that I am staying up fairly late most nights, not getting back to my hotel room before 1 a.m. and maybe that’s catching up with me.
The problem lies in the fact that a number of the events I’ve been looking to cover happen in the evening hours. All the moguls, aerials and halfpipe events often don’t start until after 8 p.m. When they finish, there’s the hour-long ride from the mountain cluster back to the coastal cluster and then the 15-minute ride to the hotel. That time all adds up.
I’ve been good about trying to get some sleep on the long bus rides to and from the coastal area. This morning I slept most of the way up the highway as I get ready for a busy day that will include an interview with Conway’s Sean Doherty and seeing Julia Ford of Holderness make her Olympic debut.
But, being as I want the most out of this Olympic experience, I wanted to get to the mountain cluster a little early so I can go see some skicross action. I watched the men on television yesterday and want to check out the women’s race this morning.
Part of the tiredness could obviously be from not sleeping terribly well in a bed that’s not the most comfortable piece of furniture ever made. Or maybe it comes from not being able to take a shower with the full water pressure I usually use. That is a big part of what wakes me up in the morning and the low water pressure doesn’t always have that effect.
Whatever the case may be, as my experience here in Russia draws to a close, I know I am looking forward to maybe getting a little sleep at some point.
Until then, I will carry on. And find some sleep when I can.


  1. Don''t forget the exhilaration factor, when a new and exciting experience drains your energy more than the typical day does.By the way, nice nod to the Eagles in the blog entry title!


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