One month to go

Well, sitting here in the office and realized that my flight from Boston to Paris leaves in exactly one month, Feb. 6.
After all the paperwork and all the back and forth e-mails and money transfers and the countless hours of getting stuff ready to go, in one month it will be too late to do anything else. Of course, there is still plenty to do between now and then.
First and foremost, how much stuff do I take with me? I know the media accommodations offer laundry service, so do I take enough clothes for a week or take enough for longer and try to stretch it? Obviously I know I need my laptop and iPad, along with respective chargers and adaptors for plugs. And I'll obviously bring my camera.
But truth be told, I still don't know exactly how much more I need to think about these things. My guess is that about a week before the flight hits the runway I will be freaking out trying to figure out what I need that hasn't been packed or what I am going to forget. One way or the other, I am almost sure I'll forget something. But one month from now, it will be too late to remember that.
Of course, the recent reports about the terror attacks in Russia and the threat of the Olympics being a target can be a bit disarming, but my hope is that the Olympics will provide that extra level of security that may not be in place at the moment. I know that anything is possible, but I am choosing to look at this as an adventure of a lifetime instead of a trip to a place where things are going wrong. Is there worry? Of course, there was worry about this trip before the bombings even occurred. But I can't let worry get in the way of what should be a trip to remember.
I think I'm ready for this trip, but of course, one can never be sure. There's trepidation and a bit of worry, but there's also a whole bunch of excitement and a yearning to be part of something spectacular.
Now, it's just a matter of actually being physically prepared. That may take a bit longer.


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