Off and running

Today, March 12, marks 500 days until the start of the Tokyo Summer Olympics 2020. While that seems like an awful long time, in preparing to cover the Olympics, it's actually not that much time.
The logistics of planning a trip like this are not simple and there is a lot of time involved. Paperwork needs to be filled out well in advance and deposit checks will have to be sent for accommodations later this year.
So, while it's 500 days until Tokyo, it was time to get started in figuring out exactly how to make this trip work. Over the last eight-plus years I've been honored that many people have supported my quest to cover local Olympians as they pursue their dreams on the snow in Sochi and PyeongChang. It is humbling to me that people appreciate what I do on a regular basis enough to help me chase a ridiculous dream like covering the Olympics. Sochi and PyeongChang were truly a blast and I expect that Tokyo will be much the same.
With that in mind, I decided this time around to start a Go Fund Me page to possibly help raise some of the funds for the trip. I am grateful to anyone who is willing to help out and I am looking forward to a summer adventure next year.
For those who are interested, the link to the page is below. For those who want to help without doing so online, I still have my Olympic Fund bank account set up at TD Bank in Wolfeboro or e-mail me at for other ways to help out.
Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to help out and thanks to everyone who takes time to read all my musings and reports from far away venues. You are all appreciated.


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