The greatest of all time

Four years ago, I missed out on seeing the greatest female skier in history. Injuries felled Lindsey Vonn prior to the Sochi Games and she had to miss out after taking home gold in Vancouver four years earlier.
I consider myself lucky to now have seen her ski twice in these Olympics (with one more coming today). Sure, it’s great to see her for the simple fact that she is absolutely stunning. But it’s so much more than that and that’s what makes it fun to see.
You know people have a special gift to do great things. Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Pedro Martinez and Tiger Woods all come to mind when you think of people like that. Yes, they have impressive gifts but they also work hard to get what they want and make themselves into what they become.
Lindsey Vonn is no different. She’s overcome countless injuries and essentially races through pain every time she straps on her skis. But she loves her sport, she loves doing what she does and she goes out and does it. She gives 100 percent each and every time she races and you can’t ask for more than that out of any competitor.
Any time you get to see the best person in their field do what they do best, you have to step back and appreciate it. You have to look at it and just admire what they did. Because you are witnessing the best of all time and not everyone can say that.
I’ve never seen any of the above mentioned athletes perform live. But I can see I’ve seen Lindsey Vonn race live and I am the better for it.
And when the time comes that Mikaela Shiffrin challenges for that best of all time title, I can say I saw her compete live as well.

 Lindsey Vonn is the best female alpine racer of our time. And now I can say I've seen her live.


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