The road to Pyeongchang is truly official now

A few weeks ago I went in to TD Bank in Wolfeboro to make my trip to Pyeongchang for the 2018 Winter Olympics official by sending the first payment for my accommodations to Korea.
However, I was short one piece of information that I needed and since I wasn’t going to be back in Wolfeboro during the day for another week, I made sure to get that information together for the following Friday.
So in I went the following Friday to make the wire transfer but the system for wire transfers was down and I was unable to make the transfer. Since the money was due by this past Friday, June 30, I had to get back in to the bank earlier in the week and on Tuesday, June 27, I met with Donna at the bank and we made the transfer official, withdrawing more than $1,200 from my Olympic account and sending it on its way to Korea to reserve my room for my second Olympic experience.
As I’ve mentioned here, that first Olympic experience was something I doubted I’d ever get the chance to experience again and it was all made possible by a lot of people coming together to help me raise money by donating or holding fundraisers. It was a true community effort and I am forever grateful for the help that I received.
When I applied for credentials for the second time, I was conflicted about how to pay for it. I get paid while I’m there, since I’m still doing my job, but it’s still not a cheap trip. The main expenses for the trip are the accommodations, which run about $2,400 for the two weeks I’ll be there and the flight, which I have yet to book.
Last time I received credentials, I viewed it as a once in a lifetime experience and I promoted it that way and people were incredibly helpful. This time, I couldn’t really bill it as a once in a lifetime, since it will be the second time, so I’ve gone about it a bit more quietly, not really promoting it anywhere but in this column. And people have helped out and there was more than enough to cover the first part of the accommodations.
I haven’t really held any fundraisers yet, simply because of the fact that this is now something I’ve done before and not a “unique” experience as it was four years ago. Truthfully, I did not expect to raise as much money as I did during that run-up to Sochi and when it came time to think about Pyeongchang, I was also a bit apprehensive. I don’t expect to raise what I did last time, but I’m honored with the response I received so far.
This job has its ups and downs but the people I get to see on a regular basis, be it the kids, the parents, the coaches and fans, are truly one of the best parts of the job. There are some great people out in the communities I cover and I can’t thank everyone enough for their support in chasing another crazy dream.
I’ve got some work to do before I pay for the flight and make the second payment for the room, but with the wire transfer complete, the road to Pyeongchang has become truly official.


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