Rigging up the lights

The Bob Rivers Comedy Group does a great parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas entitled Twelve Pains of Christmas. Included on that wonderful list is "rigging up the lights." If there's ever a year for that to apply to my life, this year is that year. As regular readers of my newspaper columns over the past 15 years know, there's usually a weekend in early December where I head north and put up the Christmas lights at my mother's house in Stark. Usually, this is a weekend project, where I head up on Saturday morning and spend two days getting the lights and decorations up. But, because there are no winter sports going on quite yet, I decided to make the trip last Friday afternoon. I got there in the middle of the afternoon and couldn't really make up my mind how I wanted to get going. My first thought was to tackle the wreaths while I still had some light, but figured it might be better to do the trees and then get the lights on them as darkness descended. It...