Not a regular day
My job is not dangerous. And in my humble opinion, my job is not terribly important. Most of my job consists of me watching high school kids play sports and writing about those sports. Sometimes I cover younger kids. And sometimes I cover adults. But what I do is not terribly exciting (Olympics aside) and doesn't provide much drama. However, there are days when you think about what you do in a different light and certainly yesterday was one of those days. You see a shooting at a community newspaper in Maryland and you wonder if it might happen where you are. It forces you to think. When our offices were in Wolfeboro, our office manager, Vicky, and I would have discussions after a shooting somewhere in the world, talking about the possibilities of it happening in our office. It wasn't something we expected would happen, but it was obvious that Vicky, who had much more experience in bigger newspapers than I did, had given it some thought and knew what her plan was if such a si...